[poem] What’ll we do when we can’t?

what are we going to do when we can’t get high anymore?
What will we say when we see we’ve never really Climbed before!
And that this whole time
we’ve been getting in line on the floor, or
hiking on bodies, stepping on faces we know.

When will we learn
to want what is difficult?

The belt I fought the hardest for
meant the most.
It’s not an American Dream, play cool, candid, wait to be seen.

I say:
The day is the shortest part of these 24 hours,
love the sun as much as you can in every one.
– fog never matters! Give yourself to your tasks,
Give yourself to your people, And like a good

lover, you will Radiate that which you love,

the sun, That which has given light to all life
that has existed On this Earth
while it did exist

And that’s why I write you all,


for three years I see a sun setting, We’re in danger
for too long we’ve been acting as though we’re strangers
for one reason we believed we needed to be, but we, indeed

are not the threat to be afraid of. It’s in triangles and dark ice
that we should follow our eyes, hand in hand, to understand
that great and terrible loss we’ve had when we had separated
former enemies when we were coldly serrated,

but today becoming forever more cohesive and coherent
a cosmic tidal wave of wonder, without a leader to steer it
the murmur of starlings never question but move when they feel it
feathers and spray of salty mist can’t contain it’s expansive
awareness known to any who near it.

I tell you: it all happens under one sky!
the most boring of days to the one when you die, never far
from all that has happened and the day that you read of it.
whatever you want to know and the moment you know it,
so talk to the father like you’ve only just met. Ask mother

why it had to be like this and she’ll tell you, oh they’ll all tell you
You already know. What was it,

what was it in you that made this necessary, if you were ever going

to learn this is your world? YOUR world. And that one should love it as such.
